Tuesday, June 24, 2008

HDR Tidbits (links, news, inspiration)

Happy Friday again. Everyone seems to be enjoying the HDR video so I thought I’d include a whole post about HDR stuff. First off, let’s start with some software:


There’s a few programs you can use for HDR.

1) Photoshop - I’m not a huge fan of Photoshop’s Merge to HDR

2) Photomatix - definitely my favorite. Oh yeah, NAPP members get a 20% discount. Here’s the link to the NAPP member website to get the code.

3) FDR Tools - Cool enough. I’ve tried it but I like Photomatix more. It just seems more intuitive to me personally.

4) Dynamic Photo HDR - This program looks like the best of all of them to me. The interface looks awesome. However, it’s PC only so I haven’t been able to try it out yet.


• I did a 2 part NAPP tutorial on the NAPP members website. One on Merge to HDR in Photoshop and another one on using Photomatix.

• I think HDR really shines for real estate and landscapes. Here’s a neat article on using HDR for real estate photography.

Stuck in Customs has a cool tutorial

• Ben Willmore is teaching a class on it at the upcoming Photoshop World in Las Vegas

• Another HDR tutorial I found on Flickr


Finally, here’s some inspirational links to some great HDR photography.

• The mother lode of all HDR inspiration over at Flickr’s HDR group.

Photomatix’s website has some really great examples of HDR. Check out Maciek Duczynski’s portfolio there for some amazing stuff.

As always, if you’ve got some related news, links, websites or tutorials let us know in the comments area. Have a great weekend!

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