Friday, October 5, 2012

To those that keep asking if I can teach more courses at BPCC....

Over the past several years and increasing recently
I have students asking me if I would teach more courses

I would of course be thrilled to spend more time teaching and I continue to encourage students to vocalize their requests.

Your requests need to go to my supervisors, most students have neither the time nor patience to look up the assistant Dean’s information

Therefore I am providing you contact information right here………..
Rona Leber Assitant Dean of Communications at BPCC
My campus email address is slott at bpcc dot edu shown this way to help reduce spam to my bpcc account that does not have good spam filtering :)

This is being broadcast on my public Blog so send me the email and I will forward to the assistant Dean

Here are some courses that I have taught in the past that you may want to request
However feel free to vocalize in your email what YOU want
Both in topics and in the time of day you wish the courses to be offered
This next semester I am slated to teach One internet course on Beginning Photography
and one evening course on Beginning Photography

Digital Photography (includes all post Capture Tools and their use)

Wedding Photography (from capturing the special moments and telling the story to presenting the bride a finished album)

Food and other specialized product photography

Portrait Photography by Steven Lott

Photo Shop for Photographers

1 comment:

Steve said...

The Good news is it is in the works and I may be able to teach wedding photography this next semester !!!

Stay tuned for more news
