Sunday, January 6, 2008

In six days the new semester at BPCC starts....

In six days the new semester at BPCC (Bossier Parish Community College) starts

I am teaching the following two courses and one one day seminar.....

TLCM-260 -51
Wednesday evening 6:30 – 9:30 PM

TLCM-267 -51
Tuesday evenings 06:30-09:30PM

February 9 (Saturday)
Adobe LightRoom
This is one full day of nothing but LightRoom
I understand registration for this is less than $70
The handouts alone I will be giving should be worth more than $70
you will get at least six full hours of instruction, CD's with presets and how to movies

The two regular semester course (Portrait and Wedding Photo) do require prerequisite
photography 101, but may be waived if you have a good understanding of the basics
such as what two items control light to the film plane of a camera
and what is Depth of Field

Further information may be found at
Or telephone (318) 678-6000

Ask for admission/Registration

For the One day course ask for Community Workforce as this one is a non accredited class
the first two courses you may enroll for either credited or non credit

If you are already signed up, consider asking a buddy to join you
neither my Wedding or Portrait class are full yet, and one may not make because there are only a few signed up so far (Wedding Photography)


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