Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
FREE stuff for your PhotoShop toolbox
well now ya do.....
here's the link.....
can be Plugin or stand alone! They Rock...have fun and let's see your stuff!!!!!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Wow a FREE On line DOF calculator
you can also download files and print them out and make one (a dof calculator) that you can carry in your camera case !!!!!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Our New Wedding Web Site isNow Live
building our new wedding web site
Here is a link to it
As we continue to finish up those last minute Christmas orders we want to take this time
to thank everyone of you, our customers !
This Friday we start our Christmas break, by heading West to Texas
As most of you know that are reading this we often check our email, even when on the road
So if you find a need for our services during the Holiday take a chance and call 318-746-6955
or Email us ( )
Shortly after the new year I will begin teaching again at BPCC
Three courses this coming semester
Two are full semester courses and one is a one day class
The one day class is February 9 and is on Adobe Lightroom
the other two courses are Portrait Photography & Wedding Photography
I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and look forward to seeing some of you again this coming semester at BPCC
Monday, December 10, 2007
Copyright infringement
We do three things...
1) make it easy for clients to do the right thing and reorder from us
by placing our contact info on the back of every print sold and attaching copyright info to any digital files sold.
2) We place road blocks or more precisely speed bumps so that it slows down the amount of infringement of our work, like use of Flash Based web pages versus static html where copy with left mouse click is so easy and we always post images to our site with low resolution.
3) We invoice offenders when we find them, then it is a collection issue.
These steps along with supporting the Professional Photographers of America through our membership helps . Education of our client base with a soft and non big stick approach also helps us keep from alienating our customers
Steven Lott
Your Top Ten list............
make a list of the top ten things you have done to better your business
an example.....
1. shoot with Off Camera Flash
2. use of Studio Management software (we use Photo One)
3. long glass at reasonable aperatures outside and a 24-70mm for in the studio
4. fast lens shot at reasonable aperature
5. New Camera room (new pictures will be posted soon)
Friday, December 7, 2007
Scams....... Geared towards photographers
to get you excited and contact them
once they have you interested the con begins
I am Thomas, I will like to let you know that I need a photographer who will coverage for the upcoming event which will take place by 31th of this mouth,2007 at California (CA), and I will want you to send the quotation including the transportation charges which will take you to the venue so I will like to read from you so that I can contact my client who also wish to come for the event that I have get a good photographer that will cover the event kindly get back to me with the quote and the payment will be make via cashier's check and let me know the name and address,phone number where the payment will be address to and I will let you know that the event is [meeting]but the event will be 1hour 30mins.So I will contact my client as soon as possible that I have found a good and reliable person to cover the event.Thanks.
The con is rather simply they will offer to pay you and pay you well
the catch is they will pay you with a bank check that is no good
although it will look real and can be deposited into your bank, but the check is worthless
just like any bad check you end up not having that money in your account after a few days
Here is where the con is smart..........
they will ask you to pay a third party, usually their wedding coordinator or even a videographer that they have already "secured"
this third party is part of the scam.
If you do as requested by the time you find their check was worthless
you have already used a check from your account to wire this third person money
and are out a few thousand dollars of your own real money.
These scams have been around on the internet for some time and change in exact wording from time to time
Remember if it sounds too good to be true it usually is not
Monday, December 3, 2007
I never thought I would embrace selling of this.....
Portraits in print or on Canvas, with the occasional painting or two
I have recently came to know a fellow photographer that sells Photo Jewelry
Fact is she has such great business concepts and refuses to cater to just anyone and that made me more attracted to her product line, she will work only with Pro's
iow she does not sell to our customer base
O.K. enough rambling on you say
click here to see Heart to Heart Photo Jewelry
I am pretty sure she is accepting no more orders for this year,
but talk about a great product for you to introduce in time for Valentine's day !!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
More kewel Lightroom Presets.......
and if that ain't enough awesome stuff from Matt
check out his DuoTone presets right here
what's my source for these...
simple LightRoom Killer Tips Blog
as the end of this semester at BPCC approaches.....
I will again be teaching Portrait and Wedding Photography, as well as a One Day Class on LightRoom on 9 February
here are some of the details......
Portrait Photography $270
This course includes mastery of portrait lighting, posing and camera
techniques. The student will be required to produce portraits of
various subjects using interior and exterior situations. Prerequisite:
Photography or consent of instructor. This course is open to both credit
and non-credit students. Limit: 25 (age 15+). 42 hrs/14 sessions.
Instructor: Steven Lott.
Wed, Aug 22-Nov 28, 6:30-9:30 pm, D303, LART-4010A
If your looking for this course taught by me in the accredited side use the following info.....
TLCM-267 -51 PORTRAIT PHOTO | 10304 | Open - 16 of 20 | Lecture | T 06:30-09:30PM Main Campus Building D 210 | Lott S | Normal Academic Term 01-12-08 to 05-09-08 | 3.00 |
Prerequisite course required TLCM-160 |
Wedding Photography $270
This course will introduce the student to different approaches of
properly photographing wedding practice, pre-wedding events, and the
wedding itself. The student will be immersed in both static and dynamic
situations in order to prepare them for real-life situations. This course
is open to both credit and non-credit students. Limit: 25 (age 15+).
42 hrs/14 sessions. Instructor: Steven Lott.
Tues, Aug 21-Nov 27, 6:30-9:30 pm, E322, LART-4012A
The complete catalog for the upcoming Non accredited semester may be found by clicking HERE
If your looking for this course taught by me in the accredited side use the following info.....
TLCM-260 -51 WEDDING PHOTOGPRAPHY | 10202 | Open - 19 of 20 | Lecture | W 06:30-09:30PM Main Campus Building D 311 | Lott S | Normal Academic Term 01-12-08 to 05-09-08 | 3.00 |
Prerequisite course required TLCM-160 |
Here is the link to the accredited side click her
Thursday, November 8, 2007
I was admitted to the hospital because of chest pains etc
Just got shown a really kewel image of my healthy heart
My only trouble lies in my neck (three ruptured Discs)
I see a much lighter camera case and less toting of heavy power supllies etc :)
in my near future !
it's Thursday evening
I thank everyone of you for your prayers
they meant and mean a lot to me !
Friday, October 26, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
more from my friends at Coffee Table Software..
There are only 2 ways to make a great Website:
- You get your hands a little dirty and learn some HTML
- or you don’t learn HTML and use a visual editor
If you want to make a quick and easy Website without learning HTML, you should use Visual Site Designer. Its unique Drag & Drop functionality and 35+ free templates will have your first Website up and running in minutes.
But if you want to make a really great Website, learning and writing your own HTML code is the only way to go. You get far more flexibility and customization; the possibilities are endless!
Learning HTML is actually pretty easy with the right tools. Our Award Winning HTML Editor and Web Design Book are both excellent tools that help you learn and code HTML and make great Websites. Since they work so well together, we decided to create a special deal too good to pass up.
HTML what the heck is that..........
here is a great link to html and building of websites...........
click here
cheers !
Monday, October 15, 2007
Northern Exposure presents
REGISTRATION FORM Follows below the announcement
In order to attend Northern Exposure, you do not have to be a PPLA member.
Please fill out a separate registration form for each person attending .
Please submit registration via Mail (109 North Patton Street, Marksville, LA 71351) or Fax (318-253-8661)
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________
Studio Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________ State:___________________ Zip:____________
Parish: _____________________ E-Mail Address: _________________________________________
Telephone Numbers: Studio ________________________________ Work______________________
Home _____________________
*** Please circle your classification
PPLA Members PPA Members Non-PPLA Members
Registration Prior to November 9th $50.00 $ 75.00 $100.00
At the Door $75.00 $100.00 $125.00
TOTAL DUE………………………...$______________
Payment Type _______ Check ______ Credit Card
Credit Card Information: (Circle One) Visa Mastercard Discover American Express
Name on Account: ___________________________________________________________________
Account #__________________________________________________________________________
Expiration Date: ______________________ Amount to be Charged: $________________________
Signature: _____________________________________________________________
318-359-6633 Fax 318- 253-8661
Thursday, October 11, 2007
creating Templates in Photoshop How to Movies
a student recently asked me for some tips on creating templates
The movie shows this very slowly
in fact you even get to watch me make mistakes and back up
some have said that is good because it allows them to follow along easier
(since I have many templates saved in my computer I rarely create new ones and was very rusty when I made these movies, I hope they will be of value to some one)
click here to see the movie
Now how to use that Template..........
Creating Templates of your own is pretty easy
all you are doing is staring with a canvas (a palet)
use a solid color like black
then make cutouts by selecting areas and creating a new layer from that selection
as you work you will end up with more layers for each new cutout
most people understand this part, but a movie on how to use this template
once you have it made may be of a benefit
so here it is...................
A movie on How to Use a Template that you created
Also instead of a black base (bottom layer)
you can have any image
easiest method is start with the new canvas and then drag an image for the background on to that canvas
Like an image of Fall Foliage
You could also have a white base and the fall foliage could be less opaque
just use the opacity slider for the layer that contains the foliage
Each time you need to duplicate a layer just use the short cut of Cntrl-J
Need help or are confused simply email me
I am always glad to help
Sunday, October 7, 2007
some painter Links.....
First painter is one of the many tools that photographers have embraced to separate them self from the masses of others will a DSLR
Painting takes time
there is little instant gratification with it
un like PS filters and actions
Basic painter teachings include cloning and use of just add water brush technique to blend colors
while there are no rules in painting, only different styles
few paintings in the traditional sense have straight lines
so as photographers we should work on those lines within our images and then start blending
here is a few links..........
The Daily Download Am-Pro impressionism
Corel Painter Update
Corel Painter Tips
Jeremy Sutton
Monday, October 1, 2007
Don't over look the Shared items on the right hand colum of this Blog
one such item has a great post about use of multiple flash units and even Gels
This one is The Strobist click here to go right to it
The current article has a neat image of a Fireman
Cheers !
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Saturday, September 1, 2007
A movie on Creating a Water Mark Action in Photo Shop
This water Marking can also be easily done without creating an action in Adobe Light Room
Sunday, August 26, 2007
glimpses of our new camera room....
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
Scams Beware !
Here is a typical scam email
This comes in many versions
Don't fall prey
FROM: Anthony D. Loehnis,
66 Cannon Street, London EC4N.
I feel quite safe dealing with you in this important business. I choose to reach you through
(Internet) because it still remains the fastest medium of communication. However, this
correspondence is private, and it should be treated as such. At first I will like to assure you that this transaction is 100% risk and trouble free to both parties.
IN ORDER TO TRANSFER OUT (THIRTY SIX MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY NINE THOUSAND POUNDS STERLINGS) FROM OUR BANK HERE IN LONDON. THE FUND FOR TRANSFER IS OF CLEAN ORIGIN. THE OWNER OF THIS ACCOUNT IS A FOREIGNER, a global leader in distribution of agricultural equipment who was believed, before his death to acquire the fund through his Crude Oil deal with the Kuwait Government. The deceased died with all the members of his family in an auto-accident in JUNE 23, 1999 without a WILL. The amount involved is [36, 759,000.00 POUNDS STERLINGS].
If you are intrested, Let me hear from you URGENTLY by Email, Also, I will like you to send
me your private telephone number so that I will call you for us to discuss in the respect
forward of this transaction.
Anthony D. Loehnis, Chairman, Alpha Bank London.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Caution ! Scams geared at artists
I received an email from a fellow member warning about someone scamming photographers. I wanted to pass this on to you.
Let me know if she is in your area.
Doug Box
TPPA Executive Director
There is a woman named Paula Jacobs, who is selling ad's for a bogus magazine...Elegant Traditions, Premier Wedding and Bridal planning guide. She is from Nacogdoches, but has hit Dallas and as far away as Jefferson, she got us in Tyler pretty hard.
Several of us in this part of the state have purchased ads from her for major $$ ...mine was a $600. quarter page ad, friends have bought the back cover for $1800, and $2000. She is targeting wedding vendors, photographers, florists, caterers, venues, bed and breakfasts etc.... She has been selling ads and ours were purchased from November to April...It was to be a Spring issue that would be distributed to all of the college dorms and bridal shops in the East Texas area...the magazine was never published and never will be.
Complaints were filed with the BBB. We are working with a detective at the Tyler PD...I have a meeting with him in the morning 7/19 at 8:30. Her response to the BBB complaint was that she was filing for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy....The bankruptcy court has not received anything as of this afternoon on her...we think she is lying about that too. We are afraid she is moving into the College Station area and getting ready to hit you guys pretty hard....She is a fraud deluxe...and there is NO Magazine!!! She is very smooth and very persistant.
Call me on Thurs. ....and I will tell you all about it...but beware if she has hit your neighborhood!!!
just be careful who you give your hard earned money to
do some research, call your chamber of commerce and BBB and ask them
look on the internet, not just at the website of the person wanting in your wallet
do a google search and find discussions on the person or product
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
Lighting How to Tips
about lighting
Basics such as Main light and Fill as well as hair light
Here is the link
I hope you find the page(s) helpful
Inspiration from another working Pro and his use of Producer
but not in depth
Occasionally we find images so powerful that they demand a closer look
The work of Mark Ridout, is just that demanding and powerful
He has embraced the power of digital presentation and uses Photodex Producer
to provide some very very powerful shows. The ones I really enjoyed were on page 7
His Wedding Vision, was but one.
Notice the lack of spinning transitions but smooth yet powerful layouts
Monday, July 9, 2007
Flash Sites from adobe Lightroom
Just a couple of LightRoom Tips...
Adobe Lightroom is a powerful tool for photo organization and processing.
One of its many features is the capability to generate web photo galleries
from a user specified collection of photos.
Lightroom comes equipped with two basic galleries,
one HTML-based and the the other Flash-based, and offers colorful variations each.
From my perspective, however, Christophe Beyl’s Slimbox is a far more simple and elegant approach to galleries.
Flash galleries take an eternity to load but flash versus html sites is a different Marketing topic